Reckless Driving Lawyer in Medford
Dedicated DUI Defense Attorney
While driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII) is the most common traffic charge in Oregon, other charges can be present during a DUII as well. Often, these charges are related to DUII accusations, including reckless driving, driver license suspension, and breath test refusal.
Driving offenses such as reckless driving can be difficult because they are not only criminal matters but also involve the DMV. When the DMV becomes involved, your DUII case could lead to a mandatory driver's license suspension. This is discomforting news for many people, especially for individuals who have to commute to work or college.
At The Law Office of Justin Rosas, I know that the last thing you want is a criminal record as well as a suspended license. As a result, I strive to provide legal representation that you can depend on. If you were arrested for a reckless driving charge related to a DUII, consult a Medford criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Your legal representative can help determine if law enforcement adhered to lawful search procedures.
What is reckless driving?
Reckless driving is a Class A misdemeanor that accuses you of driving in a manner that would put you and other people or property at risk or harm. Sometimes, the basis for a reckless driving charge is obvious. When there is evidence that distinctly points to a car accident that was caused by the reckless act of a driver on the road, it can be easy to determine that a driver was at fault for the accident due to reckless driving. In other cases, however, a reckless driving charge may seem like it was based on no grounds at all, except that the police simply wanted to pull you over.
When dealing with a reckless driving charge related to DUIIs, it is not uncommon that the state of Oregon will try to push a case to dismiss in exchange for a guilty plea to a DUII. In other circumstances, it may simply be possible to prove that you were not, in fact, driving in a reckless manner, leading to a dismissal of the charge against you. When you consult my firm, I can help you determine which defense strategy is best for your specific circumstances.
You can trust that I can represent your legal matters to the fullest extent of the law. If it comes down to it, I can utilize a team of investigators, expert witnesses, or polygraph technicians. When your case is in my hands, you will know that you have zealous representation and relentless advocacy at your side. Contact The Law Office of Justin Rosas to schedule your free case evaluation!

Why Choose The Law Office of Justin Rosas?

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Hundreds of Cases Dismissed & Won
Case Dismissed Delivery of Marijuana, Money Laundering
Received Probation Unlawful Delivery of Marijuana, Federal Aviation Crash
Case Dismissed Murder
Case Dismissed Federal Supervised Release Hearing
Probation with No Jail Time Theft in the First Degree
Case Dismissed Money Laundering