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What You Should Know About Oregon’s Sex Offender Registry

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Sex crimes are unique in that individuals convicted of this type of offense are required to register as sex offenders. This is in addition to standard criminal penalties and a conviction on their general criminal record. Sex offenders are required to follow strict conditions and may face additional obstacles in life due to their name being on this public list. Let’s discuss what you should know about sex crimes and sex offender registration.

Common Sex Offenses

Sex crimes can range from misdemeanor offenses to first-degree felonies.
Some of the most common offenses include:

  • Sexual misconduct
  • Sexual abuse
  • Rape
  • Sodomy
  • Internet sex offenses (i.e., child pornography)
  • Statutory rape

If you are convicted of any of these offenses, chances are that you will be required to register as a sex offender.

Sex Offender Registration

Once an offender is released from custody, they have 10 days to register as a sex offender.
It’s also important to note that they also have to report to local law enforcement within 10 days of:

  • Their birthday each year
  • A residential address change
  • Beginning higher education
  • Starting employment at a place of higher education

As of January 1st, 2021, offenders are also required to register within 10 days of a legal name change, or within 21 days before traveling out of the United States.

Failure to register as a sex offender may be a misdemeanor or felony offense.

Information on the Registry

Sex offender registries are generally available to the public. In Oregon, only Level 3 Sex Offenders are on the public registry. These are the offenders that are considered high risk of reoffending. Information about Level 1 and 2 offenders may be available upon request.
Typically, public information about the offender includes:

  • Full legal name
  • Home and work addresses
  • A physical description
  • Photograph

Restrictions for Sex Offenders

Once an offender’s name is officially registered, they will be required to follow set conditions or risk facing further punishment. While the conditions may vary depending on the person, here are some common examples:

  • No contact with minors
  • Cannot live within a certain distance of a school zone
  • Cannot communicate with any victims of their sex offense
  • No alcohol or drug use
  • Mandatory treatment

These restrictions can last for the entire time the offender is on the registry.

How Being on the Registry Can Affect Your Life

Many people struggle to see past the label ‘sex offender.’ Unfortunately, this can affect many aspects of your life. If you know you’ve grown and changed since your offense many years ago, it can be frustrating to realize that other people are not willing to accept you.

You may face difficulty obtaining employment, housing, or forming relationships while you are on the sex offender registry.

Can I Be Removed from the Sex Offender Registry in Oregon?

Depending on the circumstances of your initial offense, you may be able to petition for removal from the Oregon sex offender registry. Typically, your registration will last for life. However, Level 1 offenders may be able to request relief once five years have passed since completing probation or being released from court supervision. If you believe you are eligible under these conditions, contact The Law Office of Justin Rosas today for legal assistance.

Oregon Sex Crimes Defense

The best way to ensure you don’t have to deal with the restrictions and consequences of a sex crime conviction is to hire a defense team that will give you the best chance of a ‘not guilty’ verdict. At The Law Office of Justin Rosas, we have gotten favorable outcomes for numerous clients facing sex crime charges. These types of offenses are complex and with the risk of lifelong sex offender registration, you don’t want to take any chances. Contact our team today to get started on your defense.