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Steps To Take After Being Charged With Drug Cultivation & Manufacturing

Flashing police lights at night
Drug cultivation is the growing of plants that produce controlled substances. In the state of Oregon, this includes marijuana, if what is being grown exceeds more than four plants per household. Conversely, drug manufacturing is related to substances that require a scientific process, such as methamphetamine.

In both cases, the focus of these charges relates to one or more people creating illegal substances or creating legal substances in illegal amounts. Regardless of how they are created, the severity of the drug is the most important factor. For example, heroin is generally treated more seriously than anabolic steroids.

What Leads to a Charge?

Prior to being charged with drug cultivation or manufacturing, you would have been arrested and, in many cases, interrogated. Hopefully, you had consulted legal representation by that point or had said, "I would like to remain silent," as you waited for a consultation with a lawyer.

While this was happening, an arrest report would have been forwarded to a prosecutor, and that person would have then decided to go through the necessary steps to file official charges against you.

Keep in mind that the prosecutor had taken into account several factors while deciding whether or not to file charges. For example, a discovered tool that could be used to cultivate or manufacture controlled substances would likely not have swayed them much, but the discovery of an entire lab would have.

Also, note that individuals who sell equipment related to illegal drug cultivation and manufacturing could be charged with this crime as well.

What Do You Do Now?

If you have not done so already, consult legal representation, and refuse to speak to interrogators or anyone else associated with the police department until you have spoken to a lawyer. Do also note that any phone calls that you make while there that are not to lawyers can and are often listened in on.

Also keep in mind that interrogators may lie to you and, in many cases, will. They may also do things such as inflate the stated value of seized drugs, which could significantly harm your case if convincing countering points are not provided.

Since drug cultivation and manufacturing can carry felonious charges, a considerable amount of prison time, and fines, make sure to also not make any decisions or sign any statements until you have spoken with a lawyer and received legal advice.

If you have been charged with drug cultivation or manufacturing and need assistance, feel free to contact us, The Law Office of Justin Rosas. We have handled thousands of cases for the past decade-plus from our office in Medford, Ore.