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How Attorney Rosas Uses Teambuilding in Measure 11 Defense Cases


Back in 1994, Oregon State voters approved of Measure 11, which added mandatory minimum sentencing to convictions for what could be considered serious or violent crimes.

Some of the crimes named in Measure 11 are:

  • Assault
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Kidnapping

Due to the fact that Measure 11 means there is no possibility of a reduced sentence, not even parole on good behavior, once the conviction is granted, Medford Criminal Defense Attorney Justin Rosas from The Law Office of Justin Rosas has developed a unique teambuilding strategy to better defend clients. Teambuilding means utilizing two or more attorneys and two or more investigators from the beginning to put as much attention as possible and as needed on the case. Our firm will also want to consider calling in expert witnesses as part of our teambuilding tactics.

Acting with Urgency Helps Our Clients

The moment you retain our services is the moment we begin building the team that will protect you from the harsh gaze and heavy hand of the Oregon criminal justice system. We know that teambuilding must begin as soon as possible, or while the evidence is still "fresh". Not only can this strengthen your case by using viable and relevant data and information in your defense, but it also builds a sense of trust among all parties involved in your case. If the judge and jury can see that strong effort was put into your defense, they know that you are fighting for something you believe in, something you know is right. And if the prosecution sees that you have assembled an entire team of professionals to stand on your behalf, they may just hesitate and lose focus.

The first step in our teambuilding process is discovery, or finding out what the prosecution can use or will use against you. Depending on what we discover, we will want to seek out the help of one of many different expert witnesses. For example, if it is possible that a psychological issue could have caused you to commit the alleged crime, we can call in a psychological forensic expert to testify. Sometimes the right expert for the case isn't in Oregon; this does not deter us, and we will jump through hoops to reach someone on the east coast if we have to, so long as you are completely defended.

At our Medford criminal defense law firm, we build our teams fast, get to work fast, find our experts fast, and collect the evidence fast. Time is of the essence when it comes to your defense, and we know this full-heartedly. But don't think that haste makes waste – not here! We are always careful to examine all aspects of your case and move forward in the best possible direction.

Call 541.933.5972 today to learn more about our teambuilding strategies during a free initial case evaluation.
